ADOPTED-We are looking for a foster/foster to adopt for Briar. Don’t be afraid of how Briar looks currently! Briar’s owner passed away and the people caring for her since have a daughter that is allergic and they can’t seem to Briar’s the allergies under control. She has some allergy issues that will need to be taken care of before she can be officially adopted. Briar is 4 yr old and,about 15lbs. She is good with male dogs, (female dogs she will take longer to warm up to) cats and kids. Briar is spayed and when she is vetted she will get all her vaccines updated. Briar is located near Melbourne. The rescue will pay for all vetting to get Briar up to date on vaccines and also while she is recovering from her allergies. Please contact us at if you are interested in Briar. FYI you will see pics of Briar when her hair is all in and also how she looks now before the allergies are under control.
- Briar currently
- Briar currently
- Briar before allergies
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Hi there! We saw a post about Briar on facebook from a friend who knows we’ve been looking for a dog to add to our family and our friend, who we used to live with, currently has a 1 year old shiba and knows we love shibas. we saw Briar and thought she was so pretty even with her allergies. we were wondering if there was any adoption information for her? such as adoption fee and anything else. than you so much in advance and we look forward to hearing for you soon!
-Sara Roten
sent you an email!
How do I apply to get Briar
I am interested and located in Neptune beach. I can help with vet bills.
We love her!! How long will it take to her to heal? And how much does she cost? We have a 13 year old shiba that we’ve had all 13 years and are looking for another shiba as well now. We’re very interested depending on price.
Normally the healing starts as soon as she is on some antibioitics and on food that will not cause her allergies to flair. We may do an allergy test to see what we are dealing with since she seems to have more thank one allergy. I am including the link for the online application.
Hi! Could I get more information on Briar? She seems great.
A little background: I worked with the family last year when they contacted me regarding her allergies. I had given them ideas of what to try so she could get the allergies under control. They said the allergies got better but then she got fleas and she got worse again. Since then the owner has passed away and the daughter has her but her daughter is allergic to her. Hence the reason for a new home where once her allergy issues are determined they can be controlled and she can feel much better! We have had a ton of requests for applications and we will be looking for the home that best will be able to help her with her allergies as well as the loving forever home she deserves. If it doesn’t work out that your home is chosen for Briar we will keep your application on file for others that come into the rescue. Please feel free to ask any questions!
Here is the application link:
Maybe her allergies could be due from trauma of missing her owner.
Shes’s had allergies for a long time as we worked with the owner in the past. But I know that came happen and I am sure it is not helping at all!