ADOPTION COMPLETE – GENJI -5 year old 23lb Male Red Shiba Inu

by Tamara Randolph on February 19, 2024

in Adopted Shibas

Genji, an overly cute 5-year-old, 23lb male, seeks a forever home where he doesn’t have to share anything with young children or pets. Currently residing in Orlando, this charming lad has been neutered, received necessary shots & some obedience training but requires assistance when it comes to strolling nicely while being leashed. The perfect home for Genji would be with an experienced owner where he can be the only sweet prince doted on and needn’t be concerned about anything other than play time, naps and yummy noms. If you fit the criteria and are interested please fill out our online application – If you currently have an application in with us please message us at and let us know you are interested. All SIRF Shibas are available on a foster to adopt contract!

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